Thursday 26 April 2012

A Letter to the Future

Dear College,

I have always imagined myself settling down, working, earning for a living, but never have I imagined myself studying for college. Many people would say that college is a scary place, whatever kind of friends you will be hanging out with might make or break you, whatever course you will take up will be your pavement for the future career you want to have, and many else whatevers. 

I will be going to college next month, and yet, I still don't have a tad idea what's it like. I will have to battle against temptations, a myriad of pressure from studies, homesickness, fight against procrastination, be an independent individual, try to fit in, and a lot lot of things that are too scary to think of.

Yeap, I'm all too nervous of a new environment and excited as well.

But whatever college will be like, I wish all the guidance to the Almighty to help me when I'm in my weakest and be a beacon light for me when I don't know where to go.

With Love and wishes,

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